
What God Thinks of Pouting

589) As a teacher, I see the “art” of pouting regularly. This can be tiresome but what’s worse is seeing an adult pout. Pouting is a sophisticated temper tantrum. There are times in this life when God calls on us to do something we’d rather not do – for whatever the reason. Making the choice
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God Grieves

588) Some assume when they read or hear that God grieves, it’s because of the evil He sees on this earth. That is true but it’s also equally true that God sees and grieves over our specific miseries in this life. He is not a stoic bystander; He heard the cry of the Israelite slaves.
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The Battle is NOT the War

587) When I see or experience difficulties, it’s important that I recognize and differentiate between a battle and a war. For Christians, God has already won the war but there are still battles in this life that rage against us. It’s important to know that in spite of the hurt, blood, grief and difficulties, like
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I Didn’t Do It!

586) As a Christian writer, I have had the honor of sitting in front of a blank computer screen and then see God’s content begin to fill it. This can literally be a spiritual experience for me as I know that what I just typed did not come from me. Above my writing station I
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Just Sit

585) It is always difficult to know what to do when someone you care about is going through “hell on Earth.” My tendency is to try and fix things for them but, unfortunately, most of these types of situations cannot be simply “fixed.” There is one thing we can do for others; we can simply
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584) We gaze into a mirror to see what we look like but this is an incomplete picture. There is also the reflection of what we are like. Genesis 39:9 tells us that our treatment of others reflects our relationship with God. He says we are to love one another and failure to do so
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I Give Up!

583) I have learned that whatever I value the most, can bring the most pain in this life.  My husband, my family, my friends, my dog; all of these are very important to me and when “life” threatens them, I tend to hang on to them tighter. Abraham knew better than to hang onto these
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The Surprise of Anything?

582) Genesis 18:12-15 describes how Sarah, Abraham’s wife, is told that she will have a son way after her child-bearing years. I think it would be easy to respond by laughing at this news as Sarah did. God’s messengers sternly reply, “Is anything impossible for God?”  If we think about the message of this event,
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Cross Your Heart or Your Fingers

581) We learn early in life that trust should be given out cautiously. This is a good thing in that it protects us from harm. Trust is something you give to someone who is trustworthy and the only way to know this is to get to know that “someone”. Knowing that person “crosses his/her heart”
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Go for A Walk

580) I love to go for walks but, seeing as winter in Maine is often cold and the trails are covered in snow and ice, it makes it more difficult. When I can get out, I will often walk with a friend. There’s something about walking side-by-side that makes the conversation easier and can give
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