
The Price of Selfishness

609) The book of Jonah tells the story of someone (Jonah) who did not like what God had planned for him, so he selfishly ran away. Later in the book, someone (Jonah) did not like the mercy God gave to people who repented. In his selfishness, Jonah put sailors’ lives in danger, and later he
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Sick Pleasures

608) There are some specific events of this life that I find puzzling. When I taught high school, I could not wrap around my mind (and heart) the response of many students when they heard there was a fight. I saw crowds running through the halls so that they could witness it. This horrified me.
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Grace and Mercy

607) Grace and mercy are cousins. Grace is getting something (i.e. salvation) that we don’t deserve. Mercy is not getting something (i.e. punishment) that we do deserve. God is the ruler of both. In spite of what I do, think or say, God covers me in grace and mercy. Rejoice.  Lamentations 3:22
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No Calls on Hold

606) With caller ID, it’s made communicating with others more convenient. It helps us weed out those we do not wish to converse with.  What is amazing, however, is that God also knows who is calling Him and Jeremiah 33:3 tells us He always picks up the call. He longs to have a conversation with
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Unconditional Forgiveness

605) There have been times in my life when someone asks my forgiveness (or vice-versa) but there is this underlying feeling that there is forgiveness but it is not forgotten. Perhaps for this life, it may be prudent but God does not forgive this way. When we ask Him to forgive something, He does and
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A Love that Endures

604) Think of the loving relationships you have had during your life. Some of them have endured through the connection of family and others glowed for a while. The love that God gives us surpasses all of the loves we have known. Jeremiah 31:3 tells us that God’s love is everlasting. In spite of knowing
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Good Water Versus Bad Water

603) Does it make any sense to know, through the tests of life, that your well has been blessed with good water and then you refuse to drink from it? What’s even more unbelievable is when you go to any place you choose, dig your own well, whose water is dirty, and you insist on
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Who Are Your Friends?

602) The Old Testament character of Job, whose story is filled with unbelievable events, is someone I admire. Yes, I am amazed at Job’s attitude toward the difficult things he faced and his conversations with God are great examples of faith. There is one other thing that I specifically admire and that is, Job is
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This Life Has Pain

601) There is absolutely no way to avoid the fact that in this world: there will be pain. It doesn’t matter if you are the holiest of people, pain happens. Not only that, but the more you love, the more pain you feel. Because of this, it’s tempting to make your “circle of life” smaller
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The Value of Reviewing History

600) Sometimes, when I get discouraged, I take the time and review my history, specifically concerning what the Lord has done for me. In Nehemiah 9 we see this example. He records, in part: creation (vs. 6): blessing of His people (vs. 7-8);  freeing the Israelites from the slavery of Egypt (vs. 9-12); giving rules
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