
Love is a Verb

629) Some evenings, when my husband and I are sitting together reading our separate books, I marvel at how our relationship has changed through 30-plus years of marriage. In the beginning, love was all-encompassing. It was a time of extreme highs (and sometimes, extreme lows). The love we share now manifests itself in gentler ways.
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Teaching Tools

628) As a classroom teacher, I have found through the years that my students often learned the lesson I had for them on each day better when I wrapped it in a story. These stories are often 2–3-minute descriptions of something I have experienced in life, and since I value a sense of humor, many
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No Barriers

627) The school where I teach sits on a curve on a state road. Lobster fishermen rushing to their boats, trap makers wanting to get to their jobs so they can eventually go home and impatient parents trying to get their kids to school occupy this road. As I drive home from school at the
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Joy is not Situation Specific

626) Happiness and joy are easily mixed up. Happiness comes from the outside, how your day plays out, how others interact with you and what you have seen or heard. Joy is reaped from within; when we are at peace with God, our families, those in our work or social circles. It is possible to
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Rain: An Equal Playing Field

625) When I was younger, it was easy to conclude that God favored some over others. I did not understand that God wants everyone to come to Him and He loves all equally. After all, He sends the rain on the just and the unjust. We are all eligible for God’s forgiveness and, in this
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The Least Likely

624) When I taught high school, it was easy to notice how many teens evaluated each other. The ones that were the best looking, most athletic, and/or had the best personalities were in the center of these teens’ social worlds. It’s interesting to see that since then, many of the ones who were average-looking, uncoordinated
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The Power of Light

623) Light is powerful. We need the sunlight to be healthy and to grow food. If we were to lose electricity on a dark and rainy day, we can feel its absence. The antidote to darkness is light and not the other way around. Jesus said He is the light of the world. He does
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Character Test – Assign a Little Job

622) Little things are important. If you leave one ingredient out of a dish you prepare, it can change the whole taste. Jesus tells us in Luke 16:10 that little things do matter. A good way to evaluate the character of another is to watch how they do the small, mundane, everyday things. If they
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Rest is Underrated

621) One year, I had to accompany a group of 8th graders on a trip to Boston. We left the school at 4:30 am and returned at 3:30 am the next day. I guess I was the lucky teacher because I got assigned the 4 rowdiest boys to chaperone.  This was the first – and
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Foundations Matter

620) If a home is built on a faulty foundation, who would be interested in buying it? Yet, sometimes it’s hard to evaluate because it’s often hidden underneath the rest of the house. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus said that the wise build on a rock foundation and the unwise on the one made of sand.
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