
The Difference Between Hope and Faith

639) Sometimes people confuse “hoping for” with “faith”. The thought is that I hope that God’s promises are true versus, I believe they are. If we think God’s promises are only hopefuls, making plans and life-decisions based on this foundation would be imprudent.  If we know that God keeps His word because we’ve seen Him
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What Do You Harvest?

638) If you were a farmer and you planted seeds to grow wheat, what would you do if you grew thistles instead? You most likely will destroy them because you know two things. The thistles are useless to you and there is a good possibility that these weeds will reproduce and infect your other fields
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Who Do You Turn To?

637) We are admonished to come to God boldly in Hebrews 4:16 but we can overlook the words that come next in our English translations but beforeit in the Greek. This word is, throne. The word, throne, represents power and authority. I picture a child turning to a friend and asking if he can go
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The Importance of Rest

636) Hebrews 4:1-11 uses the word, rest, eleven times. Though the context of these verses concerns God’s rest as in the next life in heaven with Him, it is obvious that the writer of Hebrews was using a word that his readers can understand. The importance of rest is sometimes overlooked. Jesus went out alone
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The Illusion and Reality of Safety

635) Teaching middle school kids is both amazing and exasperating. I am always trying to make connections with them. Several years ago, I noticed that many of my students had a certain name brand whose insignia looked like the letter “U” with a letter “A” below it. I looked in the stores and was shocked
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Imagination: Friend or Foe?

634) I have been gifted with a great imagination. Ideas for stories, lesson planning and entertainment often come easily to me. There are drawbacks for this gift, too. When I am afraid of something, my imagination makes it worse. It isn’t hard for me to “see” right away the bad in situations. Fortunately, God works
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Grace is Better

633) In a lot of ways, rules work for me. I know or am taught what the rules are and I do my best to keep them and this allows me to measure how well I am living for God. The best Biblical example of these rules are the 10 Commandments. The problem with this
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Aging, Another Perspective

632) With each passing day, we grow older. Our bodies take one more step toward the grave and though we can work hard at staying fit, we cannot stop the aging process. In a sense, the opposite is true of us spiritually. With the passing of each day, we grow more like Christ – at
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Give of Yourself Fully

631) When we read in the Bible or other books or hear sermons on the subject, it’s easy to assume what “giving of yourself fully” can mean. It must mean to always use the gifts God gave us and work to exhaustion. Even the Greek word for fully, περισσεύω, communicates going “above and beyond”. Yet,
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What Growing Up Means

630) In our society, today, it’s not unusual for kids to continue living with their parent(s) into their 20’s or even 30’s. There are many reasons for this but I wonder if some may stay because being a “child” can be easier than being an adult. 1 Corinthians 13:11 addresses this issue in the spiritual
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