
A Little Pencil in God’s Hand

659) A couple of years ago, my husband built me a writing station. It can hold both my computer monitors, books, pens, and paper with two small filing cabinets to hold my paperwork. Above this, I have a bulletin board and a whiteboard. As I had the joy of getting this area set up, I
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Hatred is Powerful

658) Hatred is powerful. It can motivate, burn, rage and murder and where it is present, it affects all involved and not positively. There have been psychological studies of the effect of hating another being, but you really don’t need to read these. All you have to do is observe this in others. In Genesis
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Who Needs a Guardian Angel?

657) People throughout history have been interested in angels. If you walk through many big box stores, you will find evidence of them in books, jewelry, and cards. Owners of these stores know angels sell merchandise because they fascinate people. Some Christians say there is evidence in the Bible that ‘guardian angels’ exist. It’s an
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Deception is Never a Good Thing

656) I have a quote book where for many years, I have written things I want to remember. One such quote is, A liar better have a good memory. Deception is becoming a common thing in society. In fact, our specific words for lying have developed into: a little white lie, a fib, a falsehood.
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Spiritual Genetics

655) It is not unusual these days to do genetic testing on perspective parents. In these results, potential illnesses, health benefits, family history warnings, connections with others you did not know exist, and ethnic make-up can be known. The problem is, these tests do not cover everything. Genesis 25:23 tells us that God specifically knew
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When God Doesn’t Make Sense

653) I’ve mentioned before that words and their meanings fascinate me. This may be a reason one specific word stands out to me in Genesis 17. In the New International Version of the Bible, “will” is used 31 times. As I read through this passage, I also notice that the word, “promise” is not used.
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Not “I Promise” but “I Will”

653) I’ve mentioned before that words and their meanings fascinate me. This may be a reason one specific word stands out to me in Genesis 17. In the New International Version of the Bible, “will” is used 31 times. As I read through this passage, I also notice that the word, “promise” is not used.
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Helping God?

652) In Genesis 16, many years had passed since God promised Abram that his descendants would be like the stars in the heavens but, in Sarai’s mind, God must have forgotten. So, Sarai decides to help God make this happen so she gives her servant, Hagar, to Abram to have a child on Sarai’s behalf.
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Fear Examined

651) In Genesis 12:10-20, we see a side of Abram that is not revealed earlier. In the chapter, he and his family travel to Egypt because of a famine and therefore, he decides that because he had a beautiful wife, then his life was in danger there. In his irrational fear, and I use the
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Grace and the Law

650) Some avoid reading the Old Testament because they think that it is full of “the laws” that God gave His people. While this is true, we see from the very beginning of Genesis that God gave grace to individuals who broke the law. Adam and Eve were given proper clothes, a lesson in sacrifice
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