
Trash Talking

679) It certainly is human to trash talk someone. Why not? Our culture has saturated itself with it. It’s on the news, in entertainment, at the local grocery store and even in churches. In Numbers 12, we see how God feels about trash talking. Moses’ siblings, Miriam and Aaron, don’t care for some things Moses,
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Complaining is Contagious

678) I’ve often thought that whining and complaining are similar. As I give them consideration, I think of whining as being a childish act and complaining as the adult version. Either way, it’s tiresome to hear complaining. In my teaching career, I have had several occasions when I have worked many hours and spent a
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Big Messes and Little Messes

677) Much of the book of Exodus is about God giving Moses, and sometimes Aaron, instructions on building the Tabernacle. In the book of Leviticus, different sacrifices are described and instructions given by God to these two leaders. After reading several chapters, you can see that God is interested in forgiving the big messes we
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Stones that are Silent

676) In our limited minds, it’s easy to pass judgment on anyone (including God) and on anything. I have wondered if we had the power to wipe someone off the face of the earth, would we do it and, if so, how many? I am often on the other extreme; I would let so many
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The Formula of Compassion

675) When I hear or read the word, compassion, it soothes my soul. It’s like my entire body has been tense–ready to run, fight or hide and then I hear compassion and I automatically relax my muscles. What is it about compassion that can cause this blessed reaction? It is in discovering the meaning of
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Little by Little

674) Teenagers often have a different timetable than adults. Many want what they want and they want it now. Sometimes we hang onto this immediate demanding into adulthood and it makes trusting God difficult. As we pray, we may demand that God act upon our prayers immediately, but God may not do this. In Exodus
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Laws We Cannot Keep

673) Life is often difficult. We may have demands placed on us we know immediately we cannot meet. What if those in authority over us gave these demands and informed us that the repercussions of not meeting them are death? Our response might be to rebel, to ignore, to hide or to confront the one
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Worship in Difficulties

672) The events recorded in Exodus 17:8-16 are unusual and, as a child in Sunday school, I could not understand them. As long as Moses held up his hands, Joshua and his army were victorious over one of their enemies, the Amalekites. If Moses lowered them, Joshua’s army lost men and a foothold. I did
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The Law of Cause and Effect

671) The principle of cause and effect is something most people are taught in childhood. If you do this, this will happen. If you don’t do this, this will happen, etc. Cause and effect make things easier and less complicated. The wise person has considered the law of cause and effect throughout their days. In
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When Trust is Difficult

670) When you trust someone, you have a calm within. This is because you know this person will keep his/her word; that they are dependable and they accept you for who you are–flaws included. When trust becomes difficult is when your circumstances put you in the center of chaos, exhaustion, doubt, and more. Trusting under
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