
The Power of One Person

689) When you are young, it’s easy to think that one person cannot have a significant effect on others. After all, what can one person do? As age and wisdom permeate our minds and souls, we realize the power and potential of a single person. A glance at history gives a plethora of examples of
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When God Asks His People to do Something Unusual

688) Because I am a visual learner, I imagine myself in events I read about. This often enables me to see, hear, taste, touch and even smell historical events. We can find one such event in Joshua 6. Here you will find the record of the battle the Israelites have against Jericho. Reflecting on the
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Your Reputation Throws a Long Shadow

687) As a teacher of middle school kids, my students fluctuate between caring way too much about their reputations and not caring at all. As they grow older, many realize the value of having a trust-worthy reputation, sometimes the hard way. They will lament to me, “My parents will never trust me again.” This is
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Are You a Skeptic?

686) If you have heard someone say that a person should not question God either in words or actions, perhaps it’s time to reevaluate this. I’m not thinking it’s wrong to bring up these types of things with God it’s more of what your motivation is. For example, I tell my students that if they
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Your Legacy

685) It’s easy to be critical of the younger generation. People throughout the ages have reflected on this. Socrates said, “Children; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.” What I think is interesting is that when we refer to the younger generation in
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In the Arms of God

684) Most of us cannot remember clearly the feeling of being carried in our father’s arms. Maybe for some of you, it was your mother carrying you. What’s even harder to remember and face that no one carried you at all when you were small. When I’m out at the store, I’ll usually see a
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Biting Circumstances

683) I heard someone say once, “No one ever gets away with anything.” and my first reaction was, “That’s not true.” Since then, I have been thinking about this and I’ve concluded that his statement is correct. These consequences may be in the form of a punishment, a breakdown in a relationship, hurt feelings, and
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682) Our memory is a funny thing. Sometimes we can remember things so vividly that we can see them in our heads, feeling and even smelling some of them as if they just happened. At other times, we have no memory of events that others who were involved distinctly remember. And finally, sometimes we need
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Resentment Unleashed

681) Resentment forms when you have the idea that you have been treated unfairly. You become the judge and you evaluate situations, determining which ones have treated you fairly and which haven’t. What can become a real problem with this evaluation is that you rarely have all the facts, and it’s therefore easy to jump
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The Bondage of Fear

680) I have battled fear my entire life. I wish I could say that it was solely because of spiders or snakes but, honestly, very few of my fears are of this nature. Because of this, I have sometimes chosen the “known,” even when it’s not the best or even terrible circumstances, over the “unknown.”
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