
No Forests without Trees

918) The times I have flown out and back into The Pinetree State (Maine), I am amazed at how many forests there are. Unless I’m flying over Portland, I don’t see many buildings and all that goes along with them. What is easy to forget when viewing my state is that each forest I see
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What Are You Really Asking God?

What are you really asking?  Page 265 The Bottle House “I know a man who yearns for faith in God shouldn’t ask this but why would God want to create a world he knew was going to turn out like this?” “Stefan, that’s a good question … one people have asked throughout history. What I
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The Illusion of Wealth

917) I love to go on the Internet and look up big houses for sale all around the world. When I click on a home, there are often many photos where I can see each room and details of the entire place. Sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to be in a house
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Theology from a Run-down School Bus

916) When I first came to rural Maine, many things caught my eye. I saw the beauty of wildflowers moving in the ocean breeze. I have seen the most beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I have paddled in a canoe around a lake with my husband seeing no one else the entire day. Beautiful! There is
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God is . . . What?

915) As I read the passage In Luke 11:14-28, something jumped off the screen in these verses that I never considered and I’d like to share it with you. In these verses, Jesus drove a demon out of a man and then the religious leaders say that it was by Beelzebub’s (Satan’s) power that he
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A Reality of this Life

Page – 264 – The Bottle House Chaplain Miller cleared his throat, then leaned forward. “It sounds like you have realized that people cannot always be strong, always make the right choices, and always be successful. This is part of living in a fallen world—one turned upside down by Adam and Eve in the Garden
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Fish and Snakes; Eggs and Scorpions

914) If I were to take the time and sit down to put together a puzzle, knowing myself, I might look at individual pieces and think, That’s a beautiful green or This puzzle must be of picture of a garden. When, in reality, the puzzle is a picture of a monster, poised to devour someone.
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The Justification of Burnout

913) I work too much. My teenage self scoffs at this because I was quite the opposite then. Not now. If I’m not teaching, I’m grading papers. If I’m not working on the prequel for my novel, The Bottle House, I’m working on “Minutes” that many of you receive daily. If I’m not doing a
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Give Them Something to Eat

912) One gift that God has given me is an aptitude in technology. When I have some electronic equipment I have to hook up to a network, I can close my eyes and literally see the flow of sound and data as it runs through the wires, allowing me to hook everything up properly. Even
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The Value of Sparrows

Pages 260-261 – The Bottle House “Stacy, I’m holding one of God’s promises right here. Do you know what kind of feather this is?” “No, I don’t know much about birds at all.” “This is a feather from a sparrow—the most common bird in the world. They’re everywhere, nesting in top windows of our cities’
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