
Hearing is Believing

716) When I was a child, I remember trying to think through my understanding of God. (No small feat, of course!) Most of the time, I’d do this after I was in bed and the covers pulled up to my chin. There was a time that I can remember praying, “Ok, God. I want to
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Free Delivery

715) It’s easy to have a certain idea of how we want God to respond to us. If we pray for healing, we are often asking solely for the restoration within our bodies. If we ask for a job, we might expect God to give us a position we had in mind. If we ask
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The Blame Game

714) Anyone that has taught children, whether in school, Sunday school or at home knows that when you ask them if they did something wrong, the natural response is, “but so-and-so or this-or that did or was responsible for it.” It’s called the “Blame Game,” and kids are not the only ones who do this.
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Faulty Vision

713) Several years ago, I had a severe case of the shingles. The heated sores covered the right side of my face from my cheekbone up. These blisters were even on the inside of my eyelid. Because of this, I had to see multiple eye doctors because the possibility of losing the sight in that
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An Irresponsible, Cheating, Conspiring Murderer

712) When you see someone else make horrible, and even evil decisions, it’s easy to think, I’ll never do that! History testifies that making the choices such as being irresponsible, a cheater, a conspirator and/or murderer are only one step in the wrong direction away. The problem with these decisions is that they rarely start
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Scheduling Kindness

711) The phrase, “random acts of kindness” is well known. These actions may be as small as opening the door for someone whose hands are full or paying for a stranger’s coffee. Kindness is always a wonderful thing but it also might be good to be reminded that these actions don’t solely need to be
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Enemy Tactics

710) If enemies hear of your success, it’s an uncomfortable moment for them. Why? Because if they are true adversaries, they do not want you to succeed, be blessed, or have anything good. What can you do about this result? The hard fact is that you can’t do much about it because you cannot control
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Small Things Can Become Big Things

709) When I was 16, I had the wonderful experience of going on a summer trip with Teen Missions, International. I went to an amazing place, Gibraltar, on the southern coast of Spain. This trip was an evangelistic opportunity and one thing we did regularly is perform biblical puppet shows for kids. We trained for
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Provision’s Packages

727) It’s easy to accept that God promises to take care of the needs of His children, but what can be harder is accepting the way God may choose to provide. Yes, we need shelter, but perhaps this means a house that has black countertops, no air conditioning in the deep South, not enough room
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The Power of Mercy

708) I became acquainted with the word, mercy, from my grandmother. Being the dear Southern Lady, when it was hot out, she’d say, “Mercy! It’s hot!” She placed the accent on the word by heavily using it on the first syllable. I was much older before I knew that mercy is something of great worth
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