
Advice or Accomplice?

726) Through the years, I have kept a quote book where I write things I have read that stand out to me. One of them is by Marquis de la Grange who said, “When we ask for advice; we are usually looking for an accomplice.” We see this very thing in 1 Kings 12:1-11 when
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Modus Operandi

725) Modus operandi is a Latin term for the way you operate or do things. Unfortunately, there is something that many of us frequently do that we have no business doing; that is judging the motives of others. No matter how much we’re “sure” or how much seems obvious from other’s actions, we cannot discern
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A Mother’s Love

724) The other day, my husband was riding his dirt bike “up country” as they call places such as the “unorganized territories” here in Maine. As he came around a curve, he came face to face with a mother bear and her three cubs. Any prudent person who has the misfortune of coming between the
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Wise Guy

723) The other day, I was looking for something and I stumbled across some of my wedding pictures. I smiled as I looked at that young girl, and then I shook my head. If only I could be the person I am now, in that girl’s body. We have the opportunity and responsibility to learn
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The Value of a Gift

722) Gifts are often hard to appraise. Is a brand-new sports car more valuable than $5.00? The surprising answer is, “No”. Why? Because the value of a gift is determined by what it cost the giver. If a millionaire gives you $500.00, that’s great, but it’s not as valuable as the widow who gives you
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The Responsibilities of Being a Leader

721) Each school year there comes a time when my students weary of the routines we must have in my classroom. Even though, I rearrange and package these things differently, some have the idea if they were the teacher, it would be so much better. A few times, I have turned over the reins to
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Freedom Comes in Different Packages

720) Throughout world history, there have been and are multiple times when one group of people enslaves another. There is no valid excuse for this and we would be so much better off without it. In light of this, have you considered that there are other types of slavery? How about the slavery of emotions?
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The Nature of Rocks

719) I live in Maine and I find it interesting that we do not have any nicknames involving the word, rock, or similar words. After all, New Hampshire is the Granite State, and yet, everywhere in Maine, you will find rocks. You don’t believe me? Just check out the blueberry barrens we have here and
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Forgiveness Defined

718) Forgiveness is hard to compartmentalize. Is it a feeling? Is it a noun? Is it a set of steps that must be climbed? See what I mean? If you are unclear about this, as I was several years ago, you may be unclear of what forgiveness is and what it involves. Forgiveness is the
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What a Delight!

717) As I get older, I’m finding that many physical actions I used to do are getting harder. One of these things is sitting on bleachers for more than 20 minutes. The last time I went to school to watch my kids play basketball, I could hardly walk afterward. These physical activities I refer to
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