
Things Unseen

736) I have a little dachshund, Boone, who is so loyal to me, he is rarely more than a few inches from wherever I am. If I’m reading while sitting on the couch, he is plastered to me. It’s funny, though, just about every evening, when it’s dark and the room is lit by a
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The Value of Ax Heads

735) Fairly often, when I come home and share with my husband about the little things that happen during the day, I say, “I know this is a small thing but…” In considering why I do this; I seem to state that I know there are more important things to talk about. I even frequently
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I’ll Do It My Way

734) Whether or not we realize it, we have this “built in” self-confidence that turns on and off frequently; it is the confidence that makes us think our way of doing something is the best way. This can be an annoying trait in a marriage, business, church or classroom. This is often problematic because we
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The Hand of God

733) Years ago, I remember a professor at Bible College said, “There are more ‘dos’ in the Bible than ‘don’ts’. If you spend your time doing the ‘dos’ and not doing the ‘don’t’s, you’ll be a dedicated follower of God.” Throughout the Bible, God instructs His people to do things. It may be things of
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Controlling People

732) Wanting control has been a desire of mankind since the book of Genesis. We want to control the weather, family, jobs, friends and more. Some of these things we wish to control are not a big deal but the huge negative of this desire is it can creep up on you without noticing–sort of
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Faith and Miracles

731) My childhood was saturated with God and His word. Sunday school, Bible classes and VBS were all highlights of my early years. As I grew into adolescents, I experienced cynicism in reading about some of my heroes of the Bible. My thinking was, It’s no wonder they had faith in God, they saw miracles
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Make Up Your Mind

730) Do you remember back in our youth when we may have had crushes on someone and be so passionate about it just to have the emotional pendulum swing the other way and with it, our affections went to another? Emotional immaturity is one of these reasons this happens but have you considered that spiritual
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Let’s Talk about Boundaries

729) There are some of us that often take on the blame for situations that we were not responsible for. We could go into all kinds of psychological reasons for this, but placing boundaries and keeping them there is very difficult. As I read 1 Kings 18:16-19 and the chapter surrounding it, I have tried
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The Price of Faith

728) Faith is easy, right? You just close your eyes real tight and wish with all your might. No? That’s not faith? Well… what is it? Faith is illustrated in 1 Kings 17:7-14. There was a famine in the land and Elijah and the people faced a life-or-death crisis. One day, he came upon a
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Provision’s Packages

727) It’s easy to accept that God promises to take care of the needs of His children, but what can be harder is accepting the way God may choose to provide. Yes, we need shelter, but perhaps this means a house that has black countertops, no air conditioning in the deep South, not enough room
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