
Life Lessons

746) There are many things about how life works that can surprise a young person who is moving into adulthood. These may include, you don’t get something from nothing or the euphoria of love will not be a constant in the best of marriages. There is a third important lesson that sometimes we adults forget
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Give a Man Enough Rope . . .

745) We all have enemies. Some of these are family members, co-workers or even ourselves. Some of our enemies may also be in our churches. The question is, what should we do about them? Setting boundaries with these individuals is a good place to start and there are also times that God would lead us
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Beauty is Only Skin-deep?

744) Several weeks ago, I had a conversation with a friend and lamented that when I was in my 20s, I so wished my body was different than it was. (I had a list of things I would change.) I continued my conversation saying, I’d give anything to have the body I had then. My
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Who Wants That Job?

743) As a teacher, I can think of one job that I would never want to do, and that is to be a school bus driver. For any of you who have taken on this daunting job, God bless you for it! I tell my students that I wouldn’t care if the job paid a
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You Are Not Alone

742) There is something worse than despair and that is being alone in your despair. You sit by yourself, trying to keep your head above the churning waters of this life, and you see no one around to help. This feeling is horrible and frightening. If you have been in these waters, you know what
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God is Good?

741) The most frequent thing we say when something bad happens is, “Why?” That one-word question really should be two words; what we are often asking is, “Why, God?” I think we ask this because there is a need within to understand why the bad in the world happens and if there is a God,
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740) Fortunately, (or unfortunately), your idea of God often comes from how He is introduced to you in your early years. If your family placed a priority on getting to know God and His word, it will follow you into adulthood. If you grew up with a horrible concept of Him, then God is not
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Integrity Matters

739) I once read that the definition of integrity is when a person does the right thing even though they know no one is looking. The truth of the matter is, if there is an omniscient God, He already knows everything we think and do. David recognizes the value of integrity and considered it a
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Cause and Effect

738) No one lives in a bubble. What we do and say always influences others. We can choose to use encouraging words or negative ones, and these words blanket those around us. We can decide to do something, positive or negative, and it also affects those around us. This truth is illustrated in 1 Chronicles
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Misplaced Worship

737) As a teacher, I know the value of using objects to illustrate concepts I’m trying to teach my students. For example, if I were teaching the concept of negative numbers, I would take the kids outside and have one of them dig a hole. Then I would put a yardstick in the hole and
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