
Which Comes First, Your Feelings or Your Thoughts?

756) There are questions throughout time that seem to have no answer. On the humorous side: Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons? On the serious side: How can a good God allow evil on this earth? Why do some wicked people seem to prosper? There is
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Which Hand is It?

755) When I was a kid, my siblings and I would play a game we titled, “Which hand is it?” The one who was “it” took a small object, put his or her hands behind their back and moved the object back and forth between hands. Then, “it” would bring his or her hands to
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In Consideration of an Evening Sky

754) In my adulthood, I found that I have a talent for taking pictures. When I have time, I love getting in some shots of my pond, my brook, the ocean nearby and my sweet little dog. If I checked, I bet I have a thousand photos. Of all the things I take pictures of,
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Safety and Graciousness

753) In recent years, I have struggled with not feeling safe. There are many reasons for this but regardless of the source, there are many, many times that I find myself having difficulty breathing, tears close to falling and feeling these things because my faith isn’t strong enough. I often feel God must be so
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The Foundation of Faith

752) Those who are mature know that love is not solely a feeling. Yes, in the beginning, our senses overflow with euphoria but when it comes down to it, love is anything but. It is acceptance, hard work, giving, forgiving, being patient, kind and more. Faith is similar because it is not built on a
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Fruit Juice

751) When I lived in Florida many years ago, we had orange trees that grew in our backyard. I remember the first time I saw the mature oranges, and I was not impressed. They had mildew on them and they were anything but attractive and yet, when I picked one and peeled the skin off,
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A Beautiful Field

750) What do you see or focus on? It’s so easy to get lost in the forests of life and not see the beautiful field next to it. Yes, the stand of trees, vines, rocks, thorny bushes, ditches and dimness of light is before you, but do you remember that, according to the map you
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How to Help a Struggling Friend

749) There’s nothing worse than seeing a loved one or a friend struggle, especially at the point of despair. Some try to sympathize and say, “I have been through things that are bad too, so I know how you feel.” Do you really? Have you been in that person’s skin, with their history, weaknesses, hurts,
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Indirect Blame

748) There are so many ways to deflect blame away from ourselves. We know that life in this world holds many bad things and when these things happen, we can cast blame in many directions. One way is subtle. When something wonderful has happened we might say, “So and so happened. God is good.” But
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The Accuser

747) One thing that has always worried me about our judicial system is, what if someone is accused of something he didn’t do? Though I think we who live in the United States are fortunate that we have the judicial system we have, there have been several occasions when this has failed; the judge pronounced,
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