
The Edge of Despair

766) Eventually, most people have visited or will visit the pit of despair. Some succumb to it, living or rather, dying within this hole, seeing no way out. Others may be lifted from this pit, just in time, before irreversible actions sealed your fate. A few are saved directly and rejoice in having their feet
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The Value of Peace

765) We are living in a time where peace is a rare thing. I even wonder if people around us believe it exists. If we could put peace up for auction, there would be a bidding war and only the wealthiest would have a shot at obtaining it. Why? Because peace cannot be manufactured. It
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A Sheep Song

764) Sheep, like many other animals of their size, are vulnerable to predators. They cannot run as fast as a gazelle, so a natural enemy, wolves, coyotes and mountain lions, can successfully kill them for food. In Bible times, sheep were valuable. Their wool was used to make clothing, they were eaten and certain ones
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Good Looking

763) There are several ways of seeing or looking. The obvious is seeing with my eyes. I arrive at the shore of the ocean and see the expanse of water and rushing waves. I can see with my ears. I listen for the sound of a train and see there is one nearby. I can
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Consider Your Choice of Companions

762) It is a parent’s responsibility to teach their children that the child’s choices of who they want to spend time with are important. It is foolish to think that your child can have a good influence on another who doesn’t value the things you do. Why? Because it’s easier to step down, standard-wise, than
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The Power of Shame

761) Being able to manipulate shame is one of Satan’s most powerful weapons. When one feels shame, it’s a self-imposed penance because of bad choices. Shame is like acid. It eats away at whatever it covers and, left unchecked, destroys. Satan also disguises shame as a form of redemption, convincing us it is a good
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Faith is Not a Feeling

760) When Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, they had the blessing of walking with God each day. They saw Him, they spoke to Him, and they, perhaps, laughed with Him. After they made the choice to disobey, all of this changed. Now when they heard Him, they hid. When they spoke
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There’s Something About Me I Don’t Like About You

759) It’s interesting to note that often the things about others that irritate me are many times the same things that I do. I am quick to spot the sawdust in another’s eyes and completely miss the 2 by 4 in my own. Taking this thought one step further, I read once that a liar
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Unhelpful Christian Platitudes

758) Growing up in church and attending Christian schools and college, I have heard my share of Christian platitudes. In all fairness, I don’t think many of the people I heard saying them meant anything judgmental or dismissive and yet these types of comments have left their mark on my soul. One such platitude has
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Who is Worthy?

757) When I read Psalm 15, I have been a little confused. In the first verse, David asks God who is worthy to live with Him? Then in the ones that follow, we read that those who are worthy of living with God are: blameless, righteous, speaks the truth, does not slander, treats his neighbor
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