
The Line in the Sand

776) For as long as I can remember, I have disliked seeing others in pain. When there would be a fight break out at the high school where I used to teach, many would run toward it, clearly wanting to see and “root on” the conflict. Not me. I would run the other way. Does
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Just Getting By

775) Teaching middle school kids spelling skills is an enormous challenge. I believe there are many reasons for this but, in class, when we’re going through the weekly spelling list, my students and I have a chant that we usually wind up saying at least once a week. When I spell a specific word out
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A Muzzle May Be Necessary

774) It is so easy to jump on the negative and complaining band wagon. I think it’s part of our fallen nature. Some do this because it’s venting. It feeds their needs a little, but it also does something else. It rings in others’ ears and produces no good thing. In Psalm 39:1, David asks
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God’s Resume

773) Consider that you are someone who employs several people. What if you had someone apply for a job at your place of business who was loving, truly cared about you, your business, your work ethic and coworkers? What if this same person had a reputation for being faithful? When you ask him/her to do
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I See You

772) Sometimes when I read the Bible, I get confused. On the one hand, God says in Psalm 34:15 that His eyes are on the righteous. What confuses me is that I know God watches over everyone, even those who are not His. Is this a contradiction? No, I don’t think so. As a classroom
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A Taste Test

771) My all-time favorite author is Jan Karon. Her Mitford novels not only delight me but also strengthen my faith. In one of her books, the local Episcopalian priest attends a town-wide carnival. There is a petting zoo and a little girl stands at the fence watching the animals longingly, but she’s too afraid to
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A Cosmic Grandfather

770) Some people were raised to believe that God sits up in heaven, watching people and is poised to zap anyone who does something wrong. I know very few people would admit or acknowledge this, but in words and actions, this is the conclusion. A few others were raised to believe that God is like
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Everyday Worship

769) Sometimes we get the idea that the only way we can worship God is in our churches, prayers, and other Christian gatherings. Yet, I want to suggest to you we can also worship God in the everyday tasks. I have a friend who has repeatedly told me he considers his piano playing as worship.
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Don’t Be a Horse or Mule

There is great danger, though, if we do not learn to use our minds, grounded within the boundaries of God’s word, we can be easily led astray. We’ve had so many examples in history that testify to this danger. The Jonestown massacre, for one. David admonishes in Psalm 32:8-9 not to be like a horse
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All By Myself

767) One of the heaviest burdens a person can carry is when he or she thinks they are all alone. Your heart is crushed, your stomach is queasy, you’re not sleeping well at night and when you sit in the silence, the pain is so strong; it feels like it’s eating you alive. David knew
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