
You Have My Word

926) Remember when you were a kid, if you crossed your fingers, it somehow gave you a free pass to say something that was not true? I have done some reading on this practice’s origin and have found conflicting information. The bottom line is, we all have a sense that our words are important. They
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The Price of a Gift Determines Its Value

925) As a child, I always hoped that there would be free samples at the grocery store where my mother took me. Sometimes it would be a small piece of sausage or a cube of cheese. It was exciting to receive something that was free. Of course, as an adult, I realize these samples really
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When God Comes Looking for You

924) There have been times in my life when I felt no one sees me. These feelings often come when I am hurting, misunderstood, rejected, or lonely. I can remember one time when I sat among a crowd of people and wondered if anyone even knew I was there. Of course, these thoughts come and
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God Understands Our Pain

Chaplain Miller Speaks – The Bottle House– 280-281 Stacy felt ashamed, and her voice became softer. “God must be so disappointed in me. I have doubted on and off that he has my best interests at heart, and sometimes I’ve even wondered if he truly cares about the pain and hurt in my life.” “God
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923) My middle school classroom is at the back of our school. Looking out of my room’s window, you can see the playground and, depending on what time of day it is, you can watch and hear other classes of kids running around and shouting with joy. My students have a difficult time paying attention
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Sizing People Up

922) My mother cared little about going to amusement parks. I think a good part of the reason is that she has always struggled with motion sickness and, of course, that’s what a lot of amusement park rides would give her. One time, when we went as a family to an amusement park, I asked
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Seeing Isn’t Necessarily Believing

921) I grew up learning about the men and women of the Bible. I could retell their stories with details because I was so familiar with them. As I entered my teens, that rebellious streak rose that often does at this age, and I remember thinking that these people in the Bible had it a
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What is Comfort?

Pages 272-273 “Ah, here it is.” Chaplain Miller’s finger paused on the text. “Among several Greek words the New Testament uses for comfort, two are parakaleo and paraklesis. They are legal terms.” The part of Stefan that belonged to his vocation sat up and took notice. “These words communicate a summons a person gives to
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Are You Free for Lunch?

920) I had the privilege of attending a Christian college where I had many godly men and women teach me the Bible. One particular one was my favorite, and also the favorite of many others. He was a pastor of a huge church before coming to the college and he taught us the word of
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When “No” Means No

919) If you ask someone what they see in their minds when they think of God, what do you think they will answer? Maybe an old grandfatherly type of person? Maybe the image of Jesus holding a child? Maybe a thundercloud over a mountain? I sometimes think of images like this, but there is an
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