
Know-it-alls Close the Doors of Possibilities

796) If you’ve ever encountered a know-it-all (and we all have), you might cringe inside. This is because when you listen to someone who believes they know everything about a specific subject, you understand that they really don’t. They may be knowledgeable, but cannot possibly know all there is to know. It’s easy to identify
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Handling Conflict

795) I do not handle confrontation and conflicts well with others. In fact, I would do just about anything to avoid this. This avoidance makes things easier for me in the moment but does not work well in the long-term. If I could remind myself of the wisdom found within Proverbs 15:1, perhaps I’d make
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Swords and Arrows

794) When I was in the 6th grade, something happened while playing with the neighborhood kids that I still see vividly in my mind. A bunch of us decided playing darts would be fun. Now, picture five boys and me with sharp darts–what could go wrong? Well, one boy threw his dart and I remember
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In the Magnification of Night

793) I don’t know why this is true, but whenever I have some problem on my mind and I awake in the middle of the night, the problem always feels much worse. It’s almost as if my worries, fears and thoughts magnify the trouble that’s on my mind. I have found something that helps this
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792) Though the world that our kids are growing up in differs greatly from the one we grew up in, there are many fundament things that haven’t changed. Whenever my students come to me with conflicts, they will often say, “So-and-so made me mad” or “So-and-so made me fight him.” There is a problem with
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The Value of Hope

791) It’s been several years since I read Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl. Frankl was a psychiatrist who was a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during WWII. In Man’s Search for Meaning, Frankl writes of the different ways prisoners around him responded to the horrific things that happened when held captive. As he spoke
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790) My grandmother was one of the most generous people I’ve known. If she thought you needed something, if she could, she would get it. She never hesitated to give of anything she had, including love. Proverbs 11:25 tells us that giving to others brings blessings to yourself. This is a fact that my dear
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789) Do you know someone who always seems to get away with doing underhanded things? They seem to continually “get by” with things–skirt the law, but no one ever gets away with anything. There are always consequences, even if these are not realized in the moment. Because of this, perhaps we need to be more
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Want a Less-complicated Life?

788) The act of lying has been watered down in recent years. A person can “fib” or tell a “white lie” but a lie is a lie. Proverbs 10:9 addresses the fact that a liar better have a good memory. It lets us know that by being truthful, your life will be less complicated. Less
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A Waste of Time

787) Sometimes a person has the opportunity of helping someone by making suggestions of another way of thinking or acting and, most of the time, this is when the listener asks for your input. Unfortunately, it’s rare for another to ask this of us. There are many times, however, when giving our input, thoughts, feelings,
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