
It’s All in a Name

806) I read regularly when I have time and I collect quotes from the things I read and keep them in one volume. One of my many favorites says, roughly, A bad name is easy to live up to. Proverbs 22:1 reminds us we need to be mindful of our reputation. If you were to
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805) Have you ever been the object of another’s gossip or false accusations? If so, when Jesus said to “turn the other cheek” (Matthew 5:39) it’s a hard pill to swallow. But Proverbs 19:5 reveals how turning the other cheek is possible. It is simply that God promises these actions will not go unpunished. When
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Quick Decisions

804) In the years I’ve walked this earth, I have discerned that anything done quickly isn’t good, unless you are a runner. Quick words, quick friendships, and quick decisions are often the predecessors of problems. Proverbs 19:2 tells us that jumping into a decision too quickly is not good. If there is a desire or
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Prune or Fertilize

803) Have you ever had someone you admired; a person who you would model your life around? If you have, what happened when they said or did something that was not in line with the very things you admired them for? Proverbs 18:21 tells us that the things people say have the power of life
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The Appearance of Wisdom

802) All you have to do to discern if someone is wise is to listen to what they say. What we say is a reflection of what is within us. Proverbs 17:28 reveals to those of us who don’t really know how to be wise and it is simply this: “Even fools are thought wise
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No Man Should Be an Island

801) Some people do not feel fulfilled unless they are among lots of people, talking, laughing, and enjoying life. This stems from their personalities. Others would rather have little to no company surrounding them because their personality enjoys a smaller circle of people. Is one of these better than the other? I don’t think so.
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An Underrated Superpower

800) In our world, we get the idea that the strongest, loudest and the influencers have and hold great power. This may be true in this life, but most can work out to be stronger; can be pushed so far that they become louder and strategize to become a person of greater influence. Proverbs 16:32,
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The Appeal of Forbidden Fruit

799) I would not be honest if I didn’t admit that I feel a certain satisfaction in hearing the latest piece of gossip. It is a type of forbidden fruit. The fact that someone else is or was doing something that is questionable helps take the spotlight off of the things I have done that
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Saying Grace

798) Grace is a hard thing for us to understand. Its platform is straight-forward. Grace is giving or saying something good to another who deserves judgment. It is not overlooking something another has done wrong. “Well, if I do this, they’ll never change; they will keep treating me this way.” Grace is simply not carrying
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Good Intentions

797) Sometimes I have said or done something, intending to help another, only to have it backfire in my face. When this happens, I have gone home feeling defeated, beating myself up for what I thought was a good idea. Proverbs 16:2 tells us that God weighs our motives. It’s easy to think that this
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