
Fear and Faith

836) I have struggled with fear my entire life. When I was small, I can remember watching The Wizard of Oz and just about turning inside out. In adulthood, as I experienced the joys of life, I discovered that in this world, joy is always coupled with pain. The things that matter to us the
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Politics and Scandal

835) I dislike involving politics in my writing mainly because it’s not a subject of my passion and, these days, it’s very divisive. But the content of Daniel 6 brings up the subject of scandals or false scandals and it caught my attention. In this chapter of Daniel, there are those who are envious of
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When Enough is Enough

834) People are multifaceted and the capacities of the human mind are truly amazing. When we consider others around us, we often see only a handful of who each one really is, and it would be helpful to us to remember this. We may see someone who is abrupt and black and white about things
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The Movement of Time

833) Time is a funny thing. Think back to your childhood and remember how long the school year seemed. What about the day of Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Did it seem like time moved slowly? Now, as adults, time seems to pick up more speed as each year passes. This quick passing of time
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Out to Get You

832) Unfortunately, there are people out there who are out to get you. If you’re enjoying a time in your life when this isn’t happening, rejoice, but be prepared. It will happen eventually. In Daniel 3, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had some fierce enemies. Evidently, these men lead such devout lives, it was making others
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A Test

831) Sometimes in this life, we are tested. These tests come from multiple sources. They may be the test of loyalty, integrity, self-control or more. These situations call for choices to be made. Some choices are harder to make and carry out than others. In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that disturbed him.
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No Compromises

830) So much of what we do today to be successful is to compromise when conflict arises. When you have a problem between a parent and child, compromise is a great tool. In marriages, there must be give and take so that the relationship can strengthen. There are times, however, that compromise should be avoided
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Comfort Zone

829) Each of us has a “comfort zone,” and if we reflect honestly on our interactions with others, we often try to get the other person to relate to us in our comfort zone. If we would rather hide ourselves, we might try to keep all conversation with others superficial. Proverbs 29:22 describes another comfort
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Peaceful Silence

828) What people say reflects who they are. It is so easy to “show” ourselves to other in what we say and much harder to bite our tongues and think before we speak. Proverbs 29:20 lets us know about the trouble with words. If we speak without thinking, there is a big opportunity to say
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Mercy Exposed

827) One thing I enjoy doing with my middle school students is giving them an idiom sheet with half of it missing and they have to fill in the rest. For example, “The early bird….” and I had one student fill in, “is tired.” It’s a time where we can learn and laugh together. In
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