
God is so Good

843) When God answers a prayer or gives us help or clear guidance, it’s easy to say, “God is so good.” But what about when God does not answer a prayer in the way we were hoping? What about when help doesn’t come in our timing? What about the situations where clear guidance is elusive?
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Where I Sense God the Most

Page 128 – The Bottle House “I believe you asked me about my first day here at Bethany. I got settled, and this morning, I had my first session with Dr. Murphy. Afterward, I went down to the beach. It’s so beautiful there.” (Debbie remarked) Chaplain Miller smiled. “It’s one of my favorite places in
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The Insignificant Is Significant

842) Through the years, I have realized that God loves to take the insignificant and make it significant. It might be in the tiny gift a child drops in the offering plate. It could be the elderly woman who spends much of her time praying or it could be those in every day “menial” jobs,
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A Partial Truth is Dangerous

841) Our culture has rewritten the definition of lying and many do not realize this. We say that something is a “white lie” or “fib” when, in reality, a lie is a lie. What’s dangerous about those that lie is when they use a partial truth, they are welding a potent form of lying. Satan
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The World Does Not Revolve Around Me

840) It’s easy to think that without our presence, expertise, and contributions, the world would be in dire straits. On the one hand, God wants to use our lives and gifts for His purposes. Maybe God’s plan is for us to step back and support another who is doing a critical work for Him. John
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Why Am I Suffering?

Page 115 – The Bottle House “There’s always plenty of suffering in the world.” Chaplain Miller nodded. “People need to find meaning in their suffering, and we can guide our charges to sort this out. This is a process, as you know, that works in different ways, depending on the person.      – Chaplain Joseph Miller
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Smooth Talkers

839) It isn’t always easy to know these days who to trust and who not to. Jesus himself warns that there are wolves in sheep’s clothing (Matthew 7:15). So, knowing this is true, how does one know who to trust? The Magi in Matthew 2:1-12 were in the presence of a smooth talker–King Herod. He
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What’s Next?

837) Throughout history, there have always been people who claim that the end of the world is near. There have been many dark periods of history when it’s easy to assume this. For example, the Roman Empire, World War II and even the situation of the world today. If you observed how the people of
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Chaplain Miller Speaks

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Promises Broken, Promises Kept

Page 95-96 – The Bottle House Finally, the chaplain laid down his pen and returned his gaze to Stefan. Taking a deep breath, he said, “You know, we were talking about how it’s hard to take people at their word these days.” Stefan nodded.  “When God tells us something like, I will never leave you
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