

858) I have always been a worrier. My husband will sometimes be frustrated with me (as he is not a worrier) and will say, “What good does it do?” He’s right, of course, but sometimes I have the ridiculous idea that the more I worry about something, the more it shows me dedication and/or commitment
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Does God Care About Me?

Page 146 – The Bottle House Chaplain Miller closed his Bible. “God promises, ‘I will never leave you, nor forsake you. I will strengthen you and help you. I will take away every tear from your eyes.’ I could list the promises of God all afternoon. But I’ll just say this today … God loves
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857) Having taught teenagers for so many years, I know for a fact that a sign of immaturity is when someone wants something and they want it now. For example, a car. Many teenaged boys dream of a car or truck they would like and they want it on the exact day they can drive
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856) So much of our lives are no longer private, thanks to the Internet and social media. You don’t even have to post regularly and your digital footprint is being recorded. I’m glad that I don’t know to what extent my life is not private because I think it would freak me out. In Matthew
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855) There are small things that happen in our lives that are huge. For example, I rarely go to a fast food or coffee shop drive-thru (mainly because where I live, there aren’t many). Recently, I went through one and the person before me paid for my coffee. I remember thinking, “Wow! That was so
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God’s Timing is Sometimes Hard

Page 146 – The Bottle House “The Apostle Peter reminds us in his second book, chapter three, verse eight, that ‘with the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.’ God is not time-bound. This is good news, whether we’re grieving the loss of a loved one
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The Example

854) In Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus speaks about how to respond to our enemies. He tells us to love our enemies and pray for those that mistreat us. After all, Jesus said, it’s easy to be nice to those who are nice to us. The rub comes when we are told to love and pray for
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Before not After

853) It’s easy these days to get someone angry at you and, if not angry, irritated. Grace is sometimes hard to find among people. Isn’t it funny that we can so quickly recognize the ill-treatment others give us and not see the ill-treatment we give to others? Matthew 5:23-24 instructs us that before we come
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Some Things Never Change

852) It is very nice to read, see or hear a heartwarming story of someone who is kind to and makes things better for someone else. We all need these moments of brightness because we also live around people who are only out to make things better for themselves. Matthew 5:11-12 reminds us that there
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Satan and His Gifts

Pages 126-127 – The Bottle House “Good insights, Debbie,” Chaplain Miller said. “I believe in the core of my being Satan loves to take the gifts and abilities God has given us and twist them. He must relish it when we get out of balance and act on the vulnerable side of them.”
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