In a Rut?

2028) It was so boring is an answer to many questions I ask my young scholars about what they did on the weekend. I question them further and they tell me of hours they have laid around, playing video games or scrolling on their phones.   I’m sure I was bored when I was young from time to time but I don’t remember it being a problem.

We’d make up games, play impromptu football, spy on people, ride bikes, etc.  

In spite of all of these, we can fall into ruts, even spiritually. If you want to rejuvenate your faith, examine 1 Peter 2:17.  

In this verse, Peter admonishes us to honor everyone. Love the brotherhood, Fear God. Honor the emperor. THAT’s a lot to do. Let’s dig in.  

Honor means to value everyone. If we value someone, we are rooting for them. Praying for them. Listening to them.  

Love the brotherhood means we agapaó love, an unselfish love, for other believers. This is sometimes more difficult to do than with the unbelievers.  

Fear or have reverence for God. You cannot revere someone you don’t know.  

Honor or value our politicians. This is a hard command in recent years, but the verse does not say, accept everything they say and do. Honoring is a choice to say, this person’s position is important, so I will pray for them, regularly.  

If you’re in a spiritual rut, talk to Peter.

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