Be Still

2027) When I approach familiar verses to study, it’s a regular practice of mine to look up the words in their original language. It often proves to be insightful.  

Once such verse is Psalm 46:10. Be still and know that I am God.  

The word for still in Hebrew is raphah which means to let go. So, God is saying, let go of the control of your life. Why? Because we know, which in the Hebrew language is yada` which means to recognize God.  

Putting it together, we can let go of the control of our lives because we recognize God for who he is.  

Does this mean we should not make decisions for ourselves? No, because there are many examples in the Bible when God makes it plain to us, he requires us to do our part. (Matthew 25:14-30 for example.) We were not created to be puppets on strings.  

Instead, we are admonished to seek God when doing things in our lives. Jeremiah 29:13.  

It’s hard to be still when someone else is in control, but only if you don’t know that person well.

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