1936) When I was younger, I was more prone to taking risks. I didn’t think about the future, I just thought of the now. This wasn’t necessarily bad; it’s just a thing youth often do freely.
There are risks in this life which are necessary. You may need a specific medical procedure, but there will always be risks. Trying to avoid the aspect of risk doesn’t help because, often, it can’t be helped.
There are some risks we take, however, that are not helpful. For me, it’s often framed around my having to talk myself into something I know isn’t really the best idea.
Proverbs 6:27 tells us when we are in that, I know this probably isn’t a good idea, but… mode, it’s like carrying fire close to us and being surprised when our clothes burn.
There are some things in life we need to do, even when there are risks and there are other times, we’d better watch out for the burns. Knowing we can ask God for the wisdom to tell the two apart is important. John 1:5.