1882) Watching or reading news of our nation can be daunting. There’s so much that is going wrong and I fear where this will lead us as a country. When I sit quietly and think about these things, I’m tempted to say, what difference can I make in all of this? The answer is: a small, enormous difference.
Galatians 6:9 is helping me to discover that to make a difference to the larger mass, I must work in the small area of my life. We read in this verse that we should not tire in doing what is good. Simple, and yet, powerful.
When we choose to put another person first, treat others with respect, earned or not, show compassion to those who may not deserve it and more, this is the difference we can make in our nation.
If just those who claim to follow Christ made it a priority to do good to even just one person a day, our nation’s attitudes and behavior would improve the bleak situation we are currently in.
When you wonder what difference can you make? Remember, you can make a small, enormous one.