
Suffering Acknowledged

1869) Many of us know when a friend is suffering, telling them you know how they feel isn’t often helpful. But when the one suffering knows you have an intimate understanding of it, there is comfort. This person gets it. They know how I feel. This identification is not subject-specific; it is not a comparison of sorrows. It is an understanding that speaks from one heart to another.
Isaiah 53:3 tells us the Messiah is acquainted with grief.  The Hebrew word for acquainted is yada and can be translated, experienced and have knowledge of.
Jesus knows what suffering is and, perhaps more importantly, he experienced it on multiple levels. Because of this, he can sit right beside you in complete understanding, sharing your pain.
Sometimes it’s easy to forget our God is acquainted with our suffering and sits with us through it all. The wonderful news is, God always acknowledges our suffering.
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