
Quiet Sleep

1866) As a writer, some of the best times for brainstorming ideas are when I’m walking my dog, taking a bath or just before I go to sleep. According to the research I have done on why this is true has led me to understand that in moments such as these, the analytical part of my brain quiets and the creative mind begins to whisper.  

There are some drawbacks, however, and one of them is, when my mind begins to create when it’s time to sleep, it can make it harder to fall asleep. Then, what do I do? Psalm 4:8 gives me an answer.   This verse in Psalms tells me God offers peace when I lie down. Peace is the key. Before I let my mind go and explore the creative abilities God has given me, I go through the day with God and look for when he has acted on my behalf, either directly or indirectly; even the difficult things that happened. It is only after this when I can let go, allowing creativity and then, a quiet sleep.  

You may be amazed at the results if you try this yourself.

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