
What Peace Demands

1848) When we read verses like John 16:33, it may be easy just to read on through to the next chapter of John. Perhaps it’s because it’s hard to reconcile what Jesus said with what we see and experience.
John 16:33 says, (NLT) I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

Why might it be easy to not slow down and get comfort and peace from this verse? For me, it’s because I sometimes can’t reconcile Jesus saying he will give me peace when I know so many things that are bad happen. So, let’s slow down and think about this verse.
Yes, sometimes I don’t feel peace, but when I meditate on Romans 8:28 and choose to remember God can use everything that comes my way for good, I am reminded of what God can do through my weaknesses and pain.
Not all good things feel or seem good, but if I learn to trust God that all that comes my way is better, even if it’s in the long-term, than having prevented them, in time, I can settle in peace within. This is difficult, but the price of peace demands a lot of faith.
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