
Knowing Me

1830) I sometimes have a hard time letting others get to know me. I think it’s because whenever I consider my actions and reactions on any day, I mostly see the way I mishandled a situation. I hear the words I have said that would have been better not to have been spoken and I see the impatience I showed to someone who probably is struggling as much as I do. Sometimes I see little that is good within me.
Yet, if I’d take a minute and remember Psalm 139:1, I would marvel in the fact that God knows me. Yes, he knows these things I see about myself I don’t like but he also knows my heart. He knows I want to do the right thing, say the right words and treat others with patience. He also knows these things and yet, still wants me.
God doesn’t only know my flaws and bad decisions, he also knows I have a heart that wants to follow him. He knows I care about others. He knows I spend hours doing the things he has gifted me to do.
Sometimes the worse bullying we experience happens within ourselves.
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