
Fruit Inspector

1829) If you say you are a follower of God, count on being in the spotlight from time to time, if not frequently. There are those, even among God’s children, who relish the idea that you make choices which contradict the Word of God. It is true, You’ll know the tree by inspecting its fruit Luke 6:43-44.
Should we expect the children of God to be focused on following his word? Of course. Will the children of God still make choices that don’t align with the Bible? Certainly. Should we use special care when discerning the authority of those whom we study God’s word under? Absolutely.
Yet, choosing to be a fruit inspector can be arrogant and a waste of time. Be wise in checking the authority of one who is a potential minister of God’s word, but leave the fruit inspecting to God. After all, you can only control what you do and not someone else.
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