
Jesus’ Role

1821) Like it or not, our view of the world is shaped by how we were raised. We have also been influenced by those who surrounded us in these formative years.
With this in mind, we see Jesus’ purpose on this earth through these lenses. Why did Jesus come? Maybe your lenses show judgment. Do you see Jesus as an extremely holy man who is unreachable? Do you see a man who is a nice man but not really in tune with why he walked this earth other than to spread love?
None of these lenses give an accurate view of what Jesus’ role was on this earth. 1 John 3:5 tells us Jesus came to take away sin. He did not come to make your problems or emotional burdens go away, though he’s glad to help you with this. Instead, he came to die so that we can be forgiven.
Remembering that our vision may be faulty is an important component of our faith. Only God’s word can help with this problem.
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