

1816) Since the Garden of Eden, man and woman often don’t understand each other. After all, I’ve been married to the same man for over 38 years and there are still times when I assumed he meant one thing, when he really meant another.
We don’t only make these kinds of mistakes with each other; we often do it with God. When something happens that we don’t expect, it’s easy to assume that God must think of feel, you fill in the blank, when in reality, he meant something light years beyond your assumption.
This is why verses like Proverbs 3:5-6 are important. Here, God tells us not to lean on our own understanding because our understanding is often incorrect.
A better thing to do is acknowledge God, admitting we don’t fully understand and he will make the way we should go known to us, when the time is right.
Leaning can be good or bad, depending upon the object or person we are leaning on.
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