
It’s All in a Name

1815) The word “name” means so many things to us. There is: name that price; you name it, that name rings a bell, and more. Though there are many phrases that use this word, I want to focus on your name.

Your name is what people call you when they want your attention. They use it when referring to others in conversation. Your name in business represents your reputation. The ones who gave you your name have an intimate connection with you. Yet, there’s one more thing that is tied into your name that is, by far, the most important.

Isaiah43:1 tells me I have nothing to fear, and Jesus redeemed me. And, get ready for it: God has called me by name. God offers this redemption to all, but He takes the time to specifically tell me I have access to it too.

Isn’t it amazing that the God of all the universe, who as seen billions of people on this earth cares enough to call me by name?

He’s calling your name, too.

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