
Not By Chance

1803) Is there any such thing as chance? I’ve pondered this question, as have many theologians through the years. I’m not sure what answer many of them would give, so I’ll have to use mine here.
I think you have to make a differentiation between chance and choice. Chance seems to be something that’s out of our control; choice is the opposite. You run into someone you haven’t seen in years (chance) vs. you decide to go out to lunch with them (choice).
I think a more important question should be how do our choices and God’s will fit together? Without getting too detailed, I think God can use anything we choose to do and anything that happens by “chance” for our good and yet, he ultimately holds the “veto” card.
Daniel 2:21 tells us God removes kings and sets up kings. Is this something that happens by chance? Didn’t we set up our leaders by our choices?
How God actually handles our choices vs. his choice is something I don’t fully understand but I believe, by faith, that God always acts for our good and not by chance.
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