1723) From time to time, I’ll see a video clip online which shows a group of runners jumping hurdles. It always catches my interest because I know I couldn’t do what they seem to do so well. Running is one thing, but jumping the hurdles, one after another, is admirable.
As I meditate on Matthew 19:30, But many who are first will be last, and the last first, I imagine these runners overcoming all the hurdles and whoever reaches the finish line is immediately assigned the last place. It’s an interesting thought but this is not what the verse means.
I understand this verse to mean that many in this life come out on top, whether it be income, promotion, where you live or what breaks you get in the day today but these people might come in last in the next world. Why? Because what God considers most important: love, commitment, and humility, for example, isn’t valued the same way by many.
Paul understood this because he said in 2 Timothy 4:7-8 that he fought the good fight, he finished the course but, notice it doesn’t say he won the race.
Winners are determined differently in the next life. Maybe it would be prudent to work toward this goal.