1614) There are often times in my classroom when a phrase or idiom I’ve used all of my life will come up in reading or discussion. I’ve found that my young scholars do not know them. One example is to say something is going against the grain. Of course, we know this means whatever we’re attempting to do (or say) is not the natural or easiest way of going. One such thing is found in Matthew 18:15-17
These verses concern times when a fellow Christian mistreats you, the natural thing (at least to me) is to go to your spouse, friends or family members and tell of what this person did to you. I wonder if we’re seeking support from those who agree we’ve been mistreated. It really doesn’t matter why we may choose to do these kinds of things. Jesus said they’re wrong.
Jesus tells us in these verses that if someone does wrong us, we are to go to that person only. Jesus goes on the say if this doesn’t take care of the problem, take one or two others and talk with the person again. After that, the church should be involved.
To go to the person who has wronged us may feel like it’s going against the grain but it is the best way to handle these situations. Try it. It may feel uncomfortable at first but if this repairs a relationship with another Christian, it’s well worth it.