1609) Jealousy and self-ambition, mentioned in James 3:16, are two attitudes that are filled with poison and should be labeled as such.
Jealousy is a choice that is usually associated with romantic love, but in reality, we can find jealousy in all relationships. When someone is jealous, they are figuratively crossing their arms and saying; I want what they have.
When we have the self-ambition mentioned in this verse, the Greek means to act for our own gain. What’s best for me and not for you. Looking out for number one.
Why are these two things like poison? James tells us. He said in the second part of verse 16, these things cause disorder and every vile (wicked) practice. It’s like the root of evil comes from these. After all, weren’t these the motivation for Lucifer to choose to rebel against God? I will ascend to the heavens. I will sit enthroned on the utmost heights. I will make myself like the Most high. (Isaiah 14:13-14)
Jealousy and self-ambition of these sorts is the same as saying, Thanks a lot, God! I know what is best for my life, not you.
Be aware of jealousy and self-ambition because they are deadly.