1605) I’m going to be brave and confess something some of you will understand, others, maybe not. I am scared of the next life. No, I do not doubt there is a heaven, and that Jesus paid the price for me to enter and I will be there, but there are so many unknowns that scare me.
I don’t judge myself too harshly with this reaction because I know myself well enough that anything that falls out of my routine is difficult for me. Yet, I try to work on this by looking into God’s word to see what it tells me about the next life. One place I look is Isaiah 60.
In this chapter, Isaiah prophecies about the Zion to come. Whether this was meant for a physical restoration of the holy city for the Jews or is symbolic concerning the future place God’s children will be eternally, I don’t know. I do know that heaven will be at least as good. What does Isaiah reveal?
You will be radiant and your heart will swell with joy. (vs. 5) Every form of riches will be yours. (vs. 5-8) God will endow you with splendor. (vs. 9) You will receive constant compassion. (vs. 10) Your enemies will no longer be allowed to harm you. (vs. 14). You will be blessed and know God is your salvation. (vs. 16). You will live in a place where peace will rule. (vs. 17) The surrounding walls will be called Salvation and your gate, praise. (vs. 18) God will be the light of your life. (vs. 19). There’s so much more in the chapter, so dig in!
When my belly drops a little in the fear of the unknown, I must make the choice to remind myself again, and again and again that the things to come, though not fully understood, is the manifestation of perfect love and good; God himself.