1604) I’m afraid of so many things but what’s odd is, I’m not afraid of things many others are. For example, I’m not afraid of mice, spiders and snakes (and I’m from the South, where there are many poisonous versions of the latter two).
Some things I am afraid of include confrontation, unpredictable things (which includes many), and feeling alone. There is one other thing that may seem odd to you, but there are also times when I’m afraid of the truth.
The truths of this life can be terrifying. Sometimes confrontation is a necessity. There will be many horrific surprises and death visits all of us regularly. And yet, Jesus tells us in John 8:32 the truth will set you free. How is that possible?
Even though I’d much rather deny the truth of these types of things, facing the truth of them is a healthier option. I can do this by relying on the God of Truth to help me through each event.
Yes, the truth in this life can be scary, but there will come a day when, if we’re God’s child, we will live with the Truth and all the suffering in this world will be no more.