
No Abuse

1563) I have had a series of doctor’s appointments recently for various reasons, and at each place, the “check-in” desk has a sign that clearly states, “Our staff will not tolerate abuse.” When I read these signs, I shook my head, wishing they weren’t necessary. Unfortunately, they are.

We are living in a world that seems so out of control. Many are arrogant and throw around the “rights” card whenever it works best for them. I have a right to say whatever I want. I have a right to believe anything. I have a right to all things after all, if a store cannot protect their inventory, it’s not my fault. I’m doing retail a favor by showing them their weak points. These things are used to manipulate others in order to get what many want.

Because so many embrace this point of view, Proverbs 16:32 gives us some great advice. It tells us that being patient is better than being powerful. As a teacher, I struggle with this. The older I get (and the more tired I am) my patience is wearing thin. However, if I can generate patience in my role, my students are more likely set up to learn from their mistakes.

This verse in Proverbs also says that self-control is better than conquering a city. Why? Because when you conquer a city, it only remains yours until someone else conquers it. Your success in battle is temporary. Self-control, is something no one can take from you. It also gives you an edge to act in a thoughtful manner, rather than reacting.

With patience and self-control, the signs I see in the doctors’ offices would no longer be necessary.

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