
Against the Grain

1530) I have heard and read of people who believe if you are a follower of God, you live in a sort-of spiritual bubble. You have blinders on your eyes and you live in a make-believe world where God loves everyone and his children just skip around spiritual maypoles in joy and delight.

I can only think of one way someone would think this and that is when all God’s children only offer spiritual platitudes and “Christian Lingo” and the Pollyanna approach to life. But life doesn’t work that way, so I can understand why some people would be confused about Christianity.

 2 Chronicles 16:9 tells us God’s eyes search the earth looking to strengthen his children. There is a logical reason God would need to do this; it’s because following God in a world full of selfishness is hard, not the idea some have from being on the outside and looking in to Christianity.

God calls us to live a holy life even though he knows we cannot do this. So, he’s looking out for us, to strengthen us in order to face whatever life pitches our way.

Living against the grain of this world is something we need help to do. Ask God for it; he’s looking to give it to you.

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