
It Doesn’t Work!

1528) One thing I’ve struggled to reconcile within me is the fact that in so many places in the Bible, when someone cries out to God, he grants whatever they ask for. I struggle with this because the times I have cried out to God in this same manner, he doesn’t seem to answer it for me like he did in the Bible. In these times, I often sit back, cross my arms and think, It doesn’t work for me.

Because of these feelings, there have been times when anger, resentment, and hopelessness fill my being. I’d think, What’s wrong with me, Lord? Why don’t you answer me like you did for so many in your word? For example, Hannah poured out her heart to you and you responded by giving her a son! 1 Samuel 1.

As I have grown in my faith, I have realized three things when I wrestle with such thoughts. First, how do I know God isn’t working circumstances to give me the exact things I’m asking for? Second, maybe God is answering me in a way I have not considered, so I don’t recognize the work God is doing on my behalf. Third, perhaps giving me what I ask for would be a disaster.

Comparing our Christian walk to those of others isn’t a useful thing to do. We have very little knowledge of why God chooses or doesn’t choose to do things for others.

Perhaps it would be more useful to trust that God knows what’s best for us and relaxing in that knowledge. This is called faith.

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