1523) I am the most judgmental person I know. Does that surprise you? It doesn’t me. When it comes to pointing out failures, unthoughtful words and actions and lifestyle choices that are missing the mark, I am the first to call it out. Another detail that’s important to this confession is that all these things are what I judge myself for. The very things I can be gracious and compassionate when others do them are the things I condemn myself for.
I don’t think I’ll ever lose this tendency, but I did have some insight into it recently. I was thinking about the story in John 8:1-11 where a bunch of men had brought a woman caught in adultery to Jesus. They all had stones in their hands, ready to carry out the mosaic law of stoning to death those who have broken this law.
Of course, we all know Jesus’ famous words of, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” And the men, from oldest to youngest, let the rocks fall from their hands and they left. All of this I am very familiar with but, having the imagination God has given me, my mind then went to the woman. I could see her in my mind and I saw something the scripture doesn’t say, but I think it’s worth sharing. In my vision of this woman, she had a stone in her hand, too. She was just as ready to condemn herself as the men were.
With this thought in my mind, hearing Jesus’ words, “Where are those who are condemning you?” I see the woman’s hand, slowly opening and letting her rock drop to the ground as she says, “No one.” Then Jesus says, “Neither do I. Go and sin no more.”
Sometimes receiving grace is harder than it is to give it but just as important. Let’s put our rocks down.