
What is Your Word Worth?

1396) When I receive feedback on my debut novel, The Bottle House, (get your copy here) or in response to my 100 Minutes with God series, I smile knowing that writing these books was the easy part. After you write, you have to query for an agent or publisher, many times (and receive many “no thanks”) and if you are fortunate enough to snag one or the other, the grueling process of editing, formatting, writing cover copy, getting an illustrator, and marketing begins. It is in this process, your publisher and editor will know right away if you are a person of your word; that you meet (or don’t meet) every one of your deadlines. If you want to see your work published, you must keep your word.

The writing industry isn’t the only place where it’s vital to keep your word, you must in your work, family life, and relationships. If you don’t, people will get a clear signal that it’s not prudent to trust your word in any realm; including your spiritual testimony.

James 5:12 reminds us when we say we will or will not do something, we must follow up on our promises. This commitment places value on what you say.

How valuable are your words?

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