
Enough is Enough

1388) A term that has been thrown around in the last few years is “retail therapy.” It aptly describes the fact that many feel better simply in buying things. I must admit, it’s nice to shop once-in-a-while and, yes, it perks me up. This therapy becomes a problem when someone mistakes a temporary rush of good feelings with having a happy life. Retail therapy does little more than the “good” it does at the moment.

If someone does not believe in God and that he has given each of his children gifts and abilities, then what purpose does he or she have in this life other than pursuing things that help them feel good?

Hebrews 13:5 states the bottom line on this topic and that is money (things) will not bring lasting satisfaction and implies it s like what addiction does, which is giving a temporary rush and an incredible letdown afterward.

Why pursue something that does not deliver?

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