

1372) When I was in high school, I shared with someone I was acquainted with that I liked a particular band. His reply was, “You should get their concert shirt.” I remember thinking about this short and unimportant conversation years later (probably when I heard this band on the radio). I wondered why people wear the shirts they do, whether it be a band or a sports jersey.

This pondering led me to the fact that we all want to belong to something or to someone. If I see someone wearing a shirt that interests or has a connection with me, I might stop and speak to that stranger because I feel a connection there. These brief conversations are usually positive and I think it’s because I feel a sense of belonging, even for a moment.

Revelation 22:4 ties in here because God himself places his name on the foreheads of his children. It will be obvious in the next life that we belong to God. The connection will be so strong, we will lack for nothing.

It’s amazing to me that God wants to place his name on me when I know the many things I choose to do that are wrong. He still wants to identify me as his, even when I betray what I believe.

Despite all of this, I still belong to God and that will never change.

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