
Some Wounds Heal Slowly

1369) Prior to a decade ago, I did not understand how important the thyroid gland is. Because I had a tumor the size of a walnut on mine, my doctor advised having the tumor and whatever part of the thyroid that needed it removed. After surgery, I found so many things changed within my body and my doctor had the tough job (and still does) getting the right amounts of thyroid hormones replaced.

I can always tell when something is out of whack with my medications. I will itch, the little bit of eyebrows I had grown back fall out again, and it takes my body a much longer time to heal wounds. These are things I live with, but knowing they are tied into this problem helps.

Psalm 147:3 tells us God heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds. I believe this, by faith, but I honestly struggle with this promise. My brokenhearted seasons of life have not lost their intensity and my wounds often stay raw for long periods of time. There was a time when I used these facts against God, believing he doesn’t keep his promise. My thinking was God says he will heal my broken heart and bandage my wounds, but that’s not happening. I continue to suffer each day.

My feelings are legitimate and yet, I discovered that just like my body takes a long time to heal wounds, sometimes God uses a timetable that is not in sync with mine. God promises to heal the brokenhearted, but this healing may take its time. We may not fully realize this healing until the next life.

Are these things comforting in our difficulties? It depends on how you look at it. Some treatments for wounds aren’t treating the disease, only the symptoms. I do not want superficial healing.

When our wounds are slowly healing, we rarely see the progress, but it’s there. God promises it.

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