
All Alone, All Together

1368) There have been times in my life when I felt all alone. What’s interesting is these feelings have washed over me when I have many people around me. For those of us who have walked this earth for many years, we know it’s easy to be lonely in a crowd.

I can’t speak for others but I feel this type of loneliness because I am convinced that others are too busy doing things for and with others, or they don’t really care what’s going on inside of me.

Regardless of why I feel alone, Psalm 10:17 tells us I’m not. Here the Psalmist tells me God hears my cry and is orchestrating circumstances to use this pain for his glory within me and with those I am around.

The best thing to help the feeling of being alone is to do things for others. After all, that’s what God does for us.

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