1360) Because I grew up going to church, there were a handful of times we, as children, got into ridiculous theological arguments. I can remember being asked if God could make a rock he couldn’t move. That one had me stumped. On one hand, but on the other….. You get the idea.
Luke 18:27 kind of reminds me of this. It says, simplistically, whatever man cannot do, God can. Yes, you can get into a debate (that’s what arguing is called when you’re adults) about tiny, little picky challenges to this, but if you take this seriously, it shows you another entire dimension of God.
Let’s see. People cannot be all-powerful and all knowing. They cannot be in more than one place at a time (unless it’s straddling a state line or some such thing). People cannot create something from nothing. (This is why you have a good argument against evolution, but that’s a whole other minute devotion or two or even three). Keep thinking about this and I’m sure you can add so much more to the list.
Why is taking time to consider that God can do whatever man cannot important? Because it grows our understanding of the magnificence of God. This reminds us why it’s important to count on God to provide what we need. Just like a newborn baby must rely on someone to take care of them, we also need God to take care of us. Why? Because God can do the things people cannot.