1358) Sometimes Christians find it difficult to believe that God will judge mankind and send those whose names are not written in the Book of Life to eternal damnation. Why is this sometimes hard to believe? Because if you are looking for it, you can see God’s love all around us and the rest of the world. When we are protected from death and war or comforted when they come our way. When we are spared a natural disaster or hope is built when we go through it. When we had nothing left to give and God gave to us. These things point to the fact that God’s love surrounds us. Psalm 33:5.
The difficulty that lies in these facts is sometimes, all we see are the individual puzzle pieces and we don’t see the complete picture that can help make sense of this life and that we are engulfed in love.
Everyone can observe that this life is encompassed by God’s love. Failing to do so can have eternal consequences, so perhaps it’s a good idea that we, as God’s children, help point out this love so others can accept it and live with God forever.